GHADBANdePASCUAL is founded by Ghadban and de Pascual architects, after years of hard work.
Our architecture is mainly spatial composition that appears to take place in the cultural tradition and landscaping, it grows with the technological innovation reaching high constructive definition and design.
Every project is unique, with its own materials, its scale, and its essence. The identification and development of the project’s essence is what fills our work with passion. Every combination of subsequent decisions provides each project with its own personality.
The perfect complement is the multidisciplinary approach. The result is enriched by the teamwork between the different collaborators for each and every project.
Miquel Moll Alcina - arquitecto
Maria José Climent Mondéjar - arquitecta
José Francisco García Martín - arquitecto
Alex Rachón Balbuena - arquitecto
Héctor Alamar Tamarit - arquitecto interno
Marc Verdú Tomás - aparejador
Raúl Ibáñez Ros - aparejador
Juan Luis Castelló Pérez - ingeniero de caminos
Pere Mallol Nadal - ingeniero industrial
Juan Vicente Catalá Torres - ingeniero técnico industrial
Jose Vicente Soler Picó - ingeniero técnico industrial
Paco Costa - creativo, TIC´s
Pere Pineda Bas - abogado
Claus Kellenberger - abogado
Álvaro Laporta Martín - lic. derecho
Laura Greses Brines - lic. derecho
Luis Martínez Gil - biólogo